İldaryen house, Valyrian dragonlords
Power rank: 4
Dragons: 7 dragons with drivers, 1 dragon without drivers
Campus: Star palace, Star tower and moon tower
Lyrics: We are the light that illuminates the darkness
Their land name: Yıldızlar land and moon lands
Leader swords: Lilac star sword (a star with a handle lilac purple and a curved sword like a crescent)
Background: The late dragon house descended from the Galarion household, one of Valyria's first dragon households, died as the leader of the Galarion household and the heiress dragon lords died in the first spice war, which was in the rhoynar wars, before the second spice war took place with the Thagar galarion. The fight between his brother İldar galarion started, and the other dragon households that were engaged in the Rhoynar wars gave a chance to choose with the other members of the Galarion household and the individuals of the supporting households to solve this situation. The soldiers and nobles chose Thagar, they built the Targaryen house, having the palaces and lands of the Galarion house. They preferred İldar with fire wizards, and they founded the Ildaryen household by having the Galarion mines in fourteen flame mines, so the house of Galarion was split in two and withdrew from the stage of history. With the profit he earned from the fourteen flame mines, the house of İldaryen enriched in a short time and built palaces and towers in Valyria, and also bought lands in the long summer lands. Household and Targaryen are among the late dragon houses and they do not come together in any place other than the free castle, they are blood feuds and they hate each other.
-Indian characters
Valarr ildaryen: It is said to be over 100 years old, but thanks to the magical necklace he wore around his neck, he is a young looking man. Valarr, who is the leader of the extraordinary household, is extremely intelligent, Valarr is also a man who does not hide his homosexuality. As a strategist, he does everything in his power to drop the two strongest digits of Valyria, Syndraenys and Flaeryn, because he knows that Valyria can only be the strongest if he gets lost or weak. Your name Gaerros has a white male dragon.
Rhalla ildaryen: A beautiful and rebellious woman at the age of 35, she was married to Valarr's only surviving brother, cousin, but his cousin, who was his wife, was wounded and killed while his dragon was destroyed in fourteen flame mines to protect the interests of the household. If his older brother Valarr was gay, Rhalla married to a man from another dragon household, his father was forced to marry him because he knew that he would lose power, there was no peace in their marriage. The name Rahtagor has a black female dragon.
Balanarr ildaryen: Rhalla's eldest son, a 17-year-old boy, he is struggling to become a master manager. The person whom Valarr declared heir as his stepson gave Vallar his step son the Lila star sword, which was the leadership sword of the Ildaryen household. The name Barsatagar has a gray male dragon.
Rhamnar ildaryen: Although Rhalla's young son is 11 years old, he is said to be extremely aggressive and irritable, twice as unruly as his mother, when his father died, he claimed Tarkeos, his giant black dragon, and managed to drive it.
Yraenarr ildaryen: One of Valarr's cousins never married at the age of 43, he is often found in fourteen flame mines and lives there, has an incredible hunger for precious stones, is also stingy. Everyone excludes Yraenarr, who is in love with precious stones, because of his extremely unstable attitude, yet he has a huge brown male dragon in his name, Yaerys.
Aerron ildaryen: One of Valarr's cousins, a talented warrior, even though he is 21 years old, Valarr married him to Jaena belaerys for alliance purposes, but he loves secret love with Rhalla, Valarr's wife, despite his wife. The name Aegaryx has a dark purple female dragon.
Jaena belaerys: Aerron's young and beautiful wife at the age of 22 is a good loving and trusting person. Even though Aerron is a handsome man, they are somewhat distant as he marries with a spectacular procedure for the alliance of Belaerys and İldaryen households. The name Daerrox has an orange female dragon.
Aerion ildaryen: Aerron and Jaena's newborn sons were left a dragon egg in their cradle due to their valyria customs, but the egg has not yet cracked.
Lanarr ildaryen: The newborn sons of Valarr and Rhalla were left in the cradle by the traditions of the valyria, but the egg has not yet cracked. Although Valarr accepts him as his son, he is actually the son of Aerron and Rhalla, who was born of a forbidden relationship.
- Sub-households working in Indian house
House Sannorys: It was the house that raised fire mages controlling fourteen flame mines in the name of House Galarion.
House Elyrion: The household that manages the agricultural lands in the Valyrian peninsula called star lands and moon lands on behalf of the Ildaryen household.
Vaelanyon household: A household that assists in economic and political matters as the housekeeper household of İldaryen household.
House Daltaelor: The household that looks at military affairs, which manages the armies of the provincial households, their fleets
House Naerson: When they were an ordinary merchant house in Valyria, they started working on behalf of the Ildaryen house, now they settled in the city of Zamettar in the continent of Sothoryos and turned into a house that traded slaves in the continent on behalf of the house of Ildaryen.
Valyrian dragonlords characters : Lord Balanarr ildaryen