Vaelinar house, Valyrian dragonlords
Power rank: 8
Dragons: 1 dragon with driver, 2 dragons without driver
Campus: Palace of Fear and Scary Towers
Words: Fear is our God
Their land name: Terrible dragon's land
Leader swords: Rhaeniar's horrible sword (The back of the handle has a jade-like bend, a sword whose body expands forward)
Background: It was founded by Vaelinar, son of Rhaeniar's son, a bastard from the house of Flaeryn, one of Valyria's first dragon lord households, Rhaeniar valyria was the driver of the biggest dragon known in history, rhoynar had a large share in wars. When the bastard Rhaeniar was legitimized and heir to the household, those who did not want him were poisoned by his son, Vaelinar, who owned the father of his father, left the house and built his own house, Vaelinar soon gained power with his supporters, but since the house Vaelinar was from the late dragon households. It has never been included in the most powerful households, and there is not a single mine in the fourteen flame mines. It does not have the knowledge of magic because it is from the weak households but it is a very popular household because it is an easily accessible household among the public.
-Vaelinar household characters
Daeron vaelinar: A strong warrior at the age of 36 is also a passionate lover, he is a good but generally quiet man, a lord of dragons loved and recognized by the people. In the free castle he always defended the interests of the ordinary people, but no one heard his voice other than the public. Although it is against slavery, for economic reasons, it uses slaves as a free labor force in fertile agricultural lands in the Valyrian peninsula. The name Rhaegtalor has a green male dragon.
Saerra Vaelyros: A young and beautiful woman at the age of 31 married lovingly to her husband. House Vaelyros is not the dragon lord house, but it is one of the richest free-standing households in valyria. Her father, who is the leader of the Vaelyros household, marries her to Daeron, making her a descendant in the future by taking one of her grandchildren as a wife to one of her own sons, but it is hard to do because she knows that other dragon lords will oppose this situation.
Daenora vaelinar: A cute girl at the age of 12, nothing matters for this game-mad girl, she just laughed and had fun, she had a young dragon named Vamorr, but her dragon died sick 2 years ago, now he has a dragon egg with dark green scales given to him by his father.
Daelana vaelinar: A 6-year-old little girl, she is an innocent child and her mother never leaves the cash, her father gave her a yellow dragon egg, but the egg never cracked, even though her father wanted to give another dragon egg Daelana that yellow he does not give up the egg and desperately believes that it will crack one day.
Daemion vaelinar: A baby who has not yet reached the age of one, Daeron's only son. According to the traditions of Valyria, a dragon egg was left in its cradle, but the dragon is not yet hatched.
Sub-households working in the Vaelinar household
House Vaelyros: A household full of successful businesses that trade effectively on the Vayrian peninsula but are not a dragon lord. Working in partnership with House Vaelinar, they are trying to act politically as the dragon lord house in the free castle over them, because he was the weakest household of the time, he chose the Vaelinar household to ally, because other households did not need to partner with them.
House Celtigar: It was a household that traded in the name of House Vaelinar from Eski, but two centuries ago they went to the paw island in the narrow sea and settled there, since then they remained a friendly household in the distance.
House Zaermorys: The house Celtigar has been trading on behalf of the Vaelinar house since the day it left Valyria, it has been working for the Vaelinar house for two centuries, so it is seen as a new household.
House Corlios: House that manages the farmland called the territory of the terrible dragon on the Valyrian peninsula, on behalf of the House Vaelinar.
House Raeniar: The household that commands the army of the Vaelinar household and also helps them economically and other jobs as a housekeeper. Raeniar, the founder of this household, was originally a cousin of Vaelinar, the founder of the Vaelinar household, from the mother's side, Raeniar, who did not carry dragon blood, always remained loyal to her cousin, providing support by building a household that was their right arm.
Valyrian drangonlords characters : Lord Daeron vaelinar