Slave empire of ghiscari
-GHİSKAR'S STATUS: According to the series
- How much did Giskar reign: According to the series, it ruled for about 3,300 years.
-Ghiskar was the strongest avoided state in history: According to the series, ghiskar was the third strongest state among the states in the entire history of history, after the old dawn empire and valyria free people.
-How bad was Ghiskar: Valyria is the only civilization ghiskar who can fight the lords of evil and evil.
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-You confirmed that it was founded long before the night, its founder was the first slave lord in the name of the great graz, he was a leader who invented slavery by employing people other than the graz by gun, and his descendants soon became stronger in the region.
-First they founded the old city of ghis, then they established colonies, these are astapor, yunkai, meereen, ghozai, bhoarsh, yhos, ghardaq, yınıshar, hazdahn no and two more forgotten cities.
- They established gorgai, zamettar and gorgosh colonies in the continhoros continent.
They established the city of lotus in the summer islands.
They established the cities of moraq and zabhad in the great moraq island.
- By conquering the Lhazar shepherd kingdom, they captured the cities hesh, kosrak and lhazosh.
- They fought the kingdom of Sarnor, capturing the capitals sarnath, but things changed when sarnor struck the side of the war as he threw the lords of the valyrian's dragon
-GHİSKAR MANAGEMENT: Emperor was chosen as one of the smartest people of the grazdan household, descended from the great grazdan, he ruled the ghiskar state jointly with the emperor, all the cities from the noble and rich households there. it was managed by the chosen people.
-GHİSKAR ARMY: The Ghiskar army consisted of iron squads, the same as the spotless, warhead elephants with many towers, manicured galleys, and noble ghiskar cavalry wearing colorful tunics. The ghiskar army could reach 100,000 soldiers, and there were no soldiers who withdrew or fled, even while fighting against dragons.
NOTE: Valyrians, who saw the danger of dragons crossing ghiskar after a dragon driver traveled to ghiskar cities, decided to go to war in sarnor ranin.
1.GHISKAR BATTLE: The people of Ghiskar wanted to buy the dragons and joined the battle in the ranks of valyria sarnor, the ghiskar armies walked to the valyrian peninsula surrounded the city of oros, but were defeated with the help of dragons
-2.GHISKAR BATTLE: The armies of Sarnor conquered land by fighting the valyria dragons from the air, fighting sarnath and hazdahn no cities in the hands of ghiskar.
3.GHISKAR BATTLE: Valyria dragon lords and ghiskar galleys fought along the summer sea, valyria dragon lords changed the name to gogossos by conquering ghiskar colony gorgai in sothoros continent
4.GHISKAR BATTLE: Valyrian dragons fought lords of ghiskar armies in the sothoros continent, even though ghiskar managed to kill several dragons, dragon lords conquered the town of zamettar.
5.GHİSKAR BATTLE: Valyria dragon lords, who lost a few dragons in the previous war, attacked the capital of their enemies with all the dragons and burned the ancient city of ghis. is the only known war. It took place in 4.700 before the conquest.
After the war, the valyria dragon lords burned the old ghis and its surroundings with dragons, turning them into a dry land, sowing salt and sulfur on fertile soils, so that the ghiskars could not settle there again.
-Ghiskar language and the harpian religion were banned, the training of iron troops was terminated, the noble ghiskar families in the wars against them were declared the first slaves of Valyrian and chained to fourteen flame mines. The origins of the original ghiskar households have been completely dried, and the ghiskar households such as loraq, rhazdar, uhlez, which are now descended from the semi-valyrian half ghiskar descendants, are ghiskar households.
The city of Ghozai was destroyed in the apocalypse of Valyaria. The cities of bhoarsh, ghardaq, yınıshar and hazdahn were destroyed by dothrak klahasarları. A new ghis city was established in the name of the old ghis. Astapor started to train spotless soldiers in memory of the old iron troops.
Currently there are four ghiskar cities in the series, these are meereen, yunkai, astapor and new ghis cities.