Flaeryn house, Valyrian dragonlords
Power rank: 2
Dragons: 12 dragons with drivers, 19 dragons without drivers
Campus: High palace, High tower, Golden palace, Golden tower, High golden tower and Gold bank
Lyrics: Always the highest
Their land name: Highest country, Rising lands and Gold lands
Leader swords: Aurros' sword (formerly a long sword in silver, but a thousand years ago its handle was transformed into a sword consisting of pure gold)
Background: One of Valyria's oldest dragon households, a young side named Flaeryn was founded, Flaeryn was a loser and cowardly young at that time, but turned into a brave warrior when you learned to drive dragons from Valerion. During the first centuries of Valyrian, the household was the weakest and poorest household. In the last ghiskar war, when Aurros flaeryn won great victories, the household was enriched with war spoils from there, a great initiative that will make the fortune of the Aurros house, which spent all its fortune to open a mine in fourteen flame mines. ' Also found, the leader sword of the house was again beaten to be called the sword of Aurros, since that day the names of the Flaeryn household have been similar to his name. The house of Flaeryn has been building architecture for thousands of years, which will last until the Rhoynar wars, and have multiplied their wealth by building towers, palaces and roads in Valyria. The idea of the free city belongs to this household, and the household, which has invested heavily in a large number of free cities, especially the Rhoynar lands, has rapidly enriched in terms of commerce, and has begun to lead by becoming one of Valyria's most powerful households for the last five centuries. Other dragon households feature In 'lede, after the house of Syndraens, he is humiliated in sight. One of Valyria's traditional four mighty digests has disappeared, the other has been split in half, the other has failed to compete a bit, but if the Flaeryn has not made its successful rise from trade, the Syndraenys would have been an unrivaled force to crush all other dragon digits, perhaps in the other. They were going to eliminate the dragons' households or put an end to the republic and declare their empire, and the dragons without dragons regard Flaeryn as the defender of the republic. The strengthening strategy of the Flaeryn household is to outperform other dragon households in Valyria with wealth from trade along with gold and other precious metals, a quarter of the mines in the fourteen flame mines belong to this household. People call them golden dragons, and the descendants of a bastard belonging to the household have established the Vaelinar household, after which the dragon households are prohibited from having bastard children.
-Flaeryn digits characters
Auromond flaeryn: She is said to be over 300 years old, but thanks to the magical necklace she wears around her neck, she has a young look, she is a bully who just crushes people who value gold and precious stones. He does not understand much from politics, but a very successful economist, according to him, every person has a price, but many people do not know about it. According to Auromond, the house of Flaeryn can only validate Valyria's other dragon digits by making reasonable investments using gold. In Valyria they call her the golden god, in the name of Aursamorr there is a yellow male dragon.
Auragor flaeryn: Auromond's eldest son, a 54-year-old man who does not take any responsibility, only drinks, bends and enjoys. According to him, people just start having fun in the world and there is no point in working. The Borrios name has a green female dragon.
Aurron flaeryn: Auromon's second surviving son, a strong fighter at the age of 47, unlike his father, he believes that power is effective not only in gold, but also in military successes that will be achieved by fighting, Aurron, who is also a fan of war, is also with his soldiers. He is often known for his sword exercises. He uses Aurer's sword. The name Naerromon has a turquoise female dragon.
Aulora flaeryn: A young and beautiful grandson of 27, Auromond's son Auragor, who enjoys flying with his dragon, is also a philanthropist who distributes gold to the people and the poor, married to their uncle Gaurmon. Your credit name has an orange female dragon.
Aulor flaeryn: A 23-year-old grandson from Auromond's son Auragor, he always wanted to be a traveler, an adventurer who traveled to free cities, often paying attention to his dragon, on the pretext of controlling his household's investments. Your Saurgon name has a blue male dragon.
Dauron flaeryn: Auromond's second son, Aurron, his only granddaughter, she is a young but quite rebellious when she is 21 years old, a revolutionary spirit teenager who does not hesitate to oppose her. According to him in Valyria, many things are wrong and must be determined urgently by reforms. Your Flaerys name has a yellow male dragon.
Gaurmon flaeryn: Auromond's youngest surviving son is successful even if he is not a warrior who is 34 years old, a warrior who can never compete with Abron Aurron, so he was found in the flame mines and he was named in the red hat according to those giant giant worms' He struggles with his dragon, and is also married to his nephew Aulora.
Bauna flaeryn: Grandson of Auromond's descendant, one of the deceased sons, she is a 35-year-old woman who is not very beautiful and never married. She is extremely intelligent and is an entrepreneurial woman who is interested in economic affairs, especially in the Valyrian peninsula, voluntarily interested in the management of agricultural land. In the name of Gaurys, he has a brown male dragon, the name of Gaurys, his brother who died in his Dragon.
Vaularys flaeryn: Granddaughter of one of Auromond's recently killed sons, a great talented man on the subject of witchcraft at the age of 29. Leaving aside the gold, which is the strategy of obtaining general power, the Flaeryn household proceeds in that art of magic, arguing that it can only outperform rechargeable dragon digits. Your name Thaen has a red male dragon.
Aurion flaeryn: The descendant of one of the deceased sons of Auromond, the descendant of a deceased son, who is 26 years old, is a good-working trick, alliance with other dragon households, according to him, from the middle of a Syrianenys household, the biggest rivals, with a civil war. If they manage to lift it, they will have taken control of Valyria, but for thousands of years there has never been a dance of dragons in Valyria because the punishment of the free castle's rule "the dragon does not fight against the dragon" is too heavy, so the idea of Aurion is worthless and is seen treacherously. The name Daehleris has a yellow female dragon.
Taunor flaeryn: The descendant of one of Auromond's deceased sons, descendants, is an entrepreneur who has an incredible knowledge of mathematics and astronomy even though he is 21 years old, and also provides great benefits to his household in terms of trade. According to him, the richer they can be, the stronger they can be in Valyria, because of their strategic ideas very similar to Auromond, his grandfather's favorite grandson, but heir has not yet been declared heir. Your name Vaulion has a bright yellow female dragon.
Dausona flaeryn: Auromond's only surviving daughter and youngest child, a beautiful woman at the age of 28. He is a very successful architect, the only person who lives architecture, which is the ancient profession of the Flaeryn household, while he thinks other relatives are trade-oriented, he wants to make artfully magnificent works, his great grandfather Auromond does not interfere with him because he sells his mansions from high wages. Your name Rhaetor has a green female dragon.
Augon flaeryn: The newborn son of Aulora and Gaurmon has not yet reached the age of one, yet a dragon egg was left in his cradle, following the traditions of Valyria, the egg has not yet cracked.
Sub-households working in the Flaeryn household
House of Malnelyros: The household responsible for the management of the agricultural lands located in the Valyrian peninsula of the Flaeryn household.
House of Galnarros: A household that kept fourteen flame mines in control gold on behalf of the house Flaeryn and took out the fire sorcerers who dominated the slaves.
House Tulaeron: The house that looks after the real estate business that tries to acquire Valyria for sale in the city and the peninsula by buying every property for thousands of years, this house has been trying to make Valyria the legal property of the Flaeryn house for thousands of years.
Vraelion household: The household, which is the shadow of the Flaeryn household, is the wealthiest and strongest household in the Valyria households without dragons, and the deputy leader by serving them as a housekeeper.
House of Trorios: The household that produces sword, armor, jewelry, etc. from all precious alloys, especially valyria steel, obtained from fourteen flame mines on behalf of the house Flaeryn, and transfers them to free cities for sale.
House Paenymion: The household that keeps trade in Volantis city under control gold in the name of House Flaeryn.
House of Ormollen: The household that keeps trade in Lys city under control gold in the name of House Flaeryn.
House Maegyr: The house in the name of the house Flaeryn, keeping the trade in the city's gold under control.
House Tagaros: In the name of Flaeryn, Selhorys is the household that controls the trade in the city.
House of Mopatis: The house that keeps trade in Tyrosh city under control gold in the name of House Flaeryn.
House of Estaris: A household that controls trade in Norvos city in the name of Flaeryn.
House Barinarys: On behalf of the house Flaeryn, Volon therys is the household that keeps trade in the city under control gold.
House Laentigar: The house that keeps trade in Valysar city under control gold in the name of house Flaeryn.
House Roagarys: House in the name of Flaeryn, which keeps trade in Myr town under control gold.
House Rahnalys: The household that controls trade in the city of Pentos in the name of house Flaeryn under control gold.
-Forohrin household: The household that keeps trade in Qohor city under control gold in the name of the house Flaeryn.
House of Ostaryos: House in the name of Flaeryn, which keeps trade in the city of Lorath under control gold.
House Naelorn: House in the name of Flaeryn, which keeps trade in Essaria city under control gold.
House of Sarnorys: Sarnor and Valyrian merchant is a house established by the merger of two households, keeping the trade in the city of Sarnath and Morosh, Sarys, Saath cities in the region under the control of the name of Flaeryn.
Valyrian dragonlords characters : Lord Aurron flaeryn