Syndraenys house, Valyrian dragonlords
Power rank: 1
Dragons: 16 dragons with drivers, 22 dragons without drivers
Campus: Shadow mountain, Lava palace, Blood palace, Blood tower, Red tower, Sphinx palace, Sphinx tower, Wild fire palace and Fire tower
Lyrics: Darkness in the End
Their land name: Blood plots, Shadow plots, Sphinx plots and Hell mines
Leader swords: Syndor's urzabic sword (Urzabic red ruby stone, a curved long sword covered with scarlet rubies)
Background: Syndor was the leader of the strongest shepherd family of the town of valyria when dragons were discovered in the fourteen flame mountains, but when he first saw those dragons, he wanted to kill them, but was not successful. Thanks to Valerion, Syndor learned to drive dragons, Syndor and his sons soon adopted the dragons. Syndor brought two firemen from Asshai, spending all his money and power, and learned a lot from them, briefly learning valyria steel, shaping melted black stones, and lots of dark magic. They were the first to open fourteen flame mines, therefore, each time they played the lead among the richest and most powerful households of valyria. They look down on other households and have incest for the family, it is the house with the most witches and slaves, at the same time, half of the mines in the fourteen flame mines belong only to this household. This is the household where the most infant deaths and mad people are seen in Valyria.
Characters of the Syndraenys household
Jacerys syndraenys: No one knows his real age, thanks to the magical necklace he wore on his neck, he looked young for centuries, Valyria years old writes that he was involved in the first and second spice war, one of the last rhoynar wars, according to this information, Jacerys's age was at least 588. shows that. He is an extremely cruel and cruel man, successfully managing his household, forcing the most arrogant person in Valyria to forcibly worship the people and slaves of the households he ruled by calling him the God of Blood. He has a gigantic dragon named Gormorys in blood red.
Luserrays syndraenys: She is 136 years old, but thanks to the magic necklace she wears around her neck, she looks young and beautiful, she is a gothic woman wandering in a moody mood. At the same time, her husband becomes the granddaughter of Jacerys' cousin, her husband's 19th and last surviving wife. The Hargonic name, whose wings and dice are white with a red body, has a female dragon.
Lucerys syndraenys: He looks very young at the age of 86, but thanks to the magic necklace he wears on his neck, he is an innately skilled witcher, Valyria's most ingenious wizard. An extremely cold-blooded villain who sacrificed his children, whose slaves he made of them for blood spells. A distant relative of Jacerys' cousin, the grandson of the cousin, again trusts him in Jacerys household, worshiping him slaves and men by calling him the god of Fire. The name Lapteryon, whose wings and dice are purple but the body is red, has a male dragon.
Rhaerys syndraenys: Jacerys' first son is not the heir, but he looks young in his magical necklace he wore around his neck despite being 412 years old. He is a man lying with both women and men, often buying pleasure slaves. Rhaerys thinks that people come to earth to eat, drink and make love, they worship slaves and men by calling him the god of pleasure. People are despised in the household because it is infertile. The name Rhaemond has a male dragon with a blue body and red wings.
Viserys syndraenys: Jacerys' third surviving son, 268 years old, but with his magical necklaces worn around his neck, he is the most fearless and invincible warrior living in Valyria, using the urzabic sword of Syndor, the leader sword of his household. Viserys has never been married to one of those enemies of sex, Viserys is one who brutally murderes people, enjoys torture, they call him the envoy of the death dragon. Urzabic, who is all red, has a dragon.
Naerys syndraenys: Jacerys' only daughter who is alive looks young with the magic necklace she wears around her neck even though she is over 100 years old. A passionate woman who fell in love with her nephew, got married to her nephew she had grown from infancy. Your naerrog name has an orange female dragon.
Baerys syndraenys: Jacerys' grandson is also married to his aunt, Naerys, at the age of 52, but a master economist, an extremely loyal wife. He's the official heir to his grandfather. The name Baelorp has a red male dragon with green wings and a body.
Maelys syndraenys: Naerys and Baerys' only son, at the age of 22. Since his mother, Naerys, was alive with magic, her 18 siblings who were born before you died when they were babies. Even though he is studying in the subject of witchcraft, he is crazy, he has a young dragon named Maelys monster in red.
Shaenys syndraenys: Naerys and Baerys' first daughters devoted themselves to the goddess of fire, Syrax, even though she was a young girl at the age of 19 and said she was a
Vaenys syndraenys: Naerys and Baerys' second daughters, at age 16, said that she was a fire maiden by devoting herself to the goddess of fire, Syrax, like her room sister. The fire has a yellow young dragon that he called the boy.
Jaehaerys syndraenys: Jacerys' granddaughter, who is the grandson of the dead grandson, he's a very good person, always treating slaves well. He is congenitally disabled, has two heads, but one head is smaller, and he whispers something to him at night, so he sleeps very little and his eyes are like blood vessels. He is only 32, but he looks like an old man at the age of 80. People in the House say that Jaehaerys has all the bad qualities of his little head whispering only at night. Her name Jaelor has a black dragon.
Rhaenys syndraenys: Jacerys' distant grandson, she is one of the most beautiful women in Valyria, she looks very young despite being 38 years old, an artist who composes very beautiful and very good songs. He is married to his cousin Thaerys. Your name Rhaen has a yellow female dragon.
Thaerys syndraenys: Jacerys' distant grandson, a 41-year-old and highly respected master politician, is also married to his grandfather's heir and cousin Rhaenys. Your name Thaeron has a red female dragon.
Jaenarys syndraenys: Thaerys and Rhaenys's only son, 17 years old and curious, but someone like art like mother, rather than politics, he is a talented sculptor. An adolescent who constantly argues with his father. Your name Jaegallok has a black dragon.
Aerys syndraenys: Another grandson of Jacerys from far away is trying to invent a fire that can even burn the Dragons, at the age of 32 and among the most skilled magicians of Valyria, his works unanimously It was decided that the households outside their own household had plans to kill their dragons. Aerys, who is now punished and exiled, is forbidden to step on the valyrian peninsula, he now lives in the city of Velos with his red dragon named Aermor.
Tessarys syndraenys: A descendant of Jacerys' descendant from a distant cousin. Tessarys, who is more than 200 years old, looks young with her magical necklace on her neck. He is a master fire wizard and often controls fourteen flame mines, he is a loyal nave who does not think of duty, cheating or interests. Your name Tessagon has a yellow male dragon.
Sub-households working in the Syndraenys household
House Narnalys: The household responsible for the management of agricultural land located in the Valyrian peninsula of the Syndraenys household.
House Qeldlion: The slave trader household that provides quality slave supply by putting pressure on the ghiskar households in the cities of the slave bay.
House of Aegol: The house that provides slaves from the city of Gogossos and the summer sea islands.
House Vaelmiyx: The house that provides the slave from the city of Zamettar and the sothoryos continent.
House Baelorn: House for military affairs managing the army and navy of the Syndraenys household
House Vhassar: The household in Volantis providing slaves from the free cities area
House Marinar: The household that provides slaves from the jade sea, including the big and small moraq islands in Vahar
House Volarr: The house that brought out the fire magicians who kept the fourteen flame mines in control gold on behalf of the Syndraenys house.
House Galanyon: going to fourteen flame mines and commanding the slaves of the Syndraenys household working there
House Torriorys: The house that looks at real estate in Valyrian peninsula on behalf of House Syndraenys, House Syndraenys is trying to make the whole peninsula its own legal property, so this house is trying to buy every property sold for thousands of years.
House Narddaron: The house that carries out slave shipments with Syndraenys galleys with blood red sails on the summer sea.
Valyrian dragonlords characters : Lord Tessarys syndraenys